Poole Bobbin Lace Circle meets at St. George's Church Hall, Oakdale, Poole, BH15 3EU
The next meeting is on Saturday 1 March 2025 at St George's Hall.
In the morning there is a Pillow Party 10.30am to 1.30pm, followed by the main meeting, 2.00 - 4.00pm.
Click on the Programme link below for more details.
Meetings will be held on the first Saturday in the month starting on 4th January 2025 and then in March, May, July, September and November. All meetings are from 2.00pm to 4.00pm. Visitors are welcome for which a charge of £2.50 is made. There will be a Pillow Party held in the mornings of the same days from 10.30am to 1.30pm at which members pay £4.50 and visitors £5.25.
On the first Saturday in the months of February, April and October, and Saturday 13th December there will be an all-day Pillow Party held from 10.30am – 3.30pm for which there will be a charge of £7.00. All will be held at the same venue as above.
Meetings and Pillow Parties are open to all members and visitors except the July AGM meeting which is for members only. Tuesday Self Help Group for PBLC members of all abilities meet every week from 10.00am to 12.00 noon again at the same venue, a charge of £3.00 is paid. Beginners are also welcomed at these meetings as there is a small tutored group, for which an additional charge of £4.00 is payable. For more information please contact [email protected]
PBLC Constitution - click here for the link
PBLC holds an annual Lace Day in June.
Click here to view the Programme for 2024-25
Lace Challenge 2024 - 25
The challenge was to make a heart in any lace, any colour, any size, individually or many. Therefore, it could be a brooch, a card, an edging or anything you can think of with a lace heart in it!
Lots of patterns were available, particularly in the Christine Springett books.
There were 4 prizes of Chocolate Oranges as before. The groups were an individual heart, more than 1 heart, your own design and your ticket number ‘raffle’
The winners were chosen by our Charity Speaker, Katherine Reed, at the January meeting.
There were 31 entries and the winners were:
Indiviual heart - Eve Morton
More than one heart - Jane Cox
Own design - Margaret Eaglestone
Raffle - Barbara Jackson
Photographs below of the entries. Please click on individual photos for the full picture.
Lots of patterns were available, particularly in the Christine Springett books.
There were 4 prizes of Chocolate Oranges as before. The groups were an individual heart, more than 1 heart, your own design and your ticket number ‘raffle’
The winners were chosen by our Charity Speaker, Katherine Reed, at the January meeting.
There were 31 entries and the winners were:
Indiviual heart - Eve Morton
More than one heart - Jane Cox
Own design - Margaret Eaglestone
Raffle - Barbara Jackson
Photographs below of the entries. Please click on individual photos for the full picture.
Some Events from 2025
January 2025
At the first meeting in January the speaker was Katherine Reed, the fund raiser for the Blandford Fashion Museum. PBLC's charity for the year is the Blandford Fashion Museum and Katherine told us of the plans the Museum has to make it more accessible to the general public.
Katherine brought along some lace that the museum has in its handling collection.
Below are some photos. Click on the individual photos for more detail.
Katherine brought along some lace that the museum has in its handling collection.
Below are some photos. Click on the individual photos for more detail.
Click here to view more photos in the Photo Gallery